Property Types


Widget bounds are represented as an object with the following properties:

  • left: number The horizontal offset from the parent’s left edge in dip
  • top: number The vertical offset from the parent’s top edge in dip
  • width: number The width of the widget in dip
  • height: number The height of the widget in dip


var buttonWidth = button.get("bounds").width;

See also Layout.


Colors are specified as strings using one of the following formats:

  • #xxxxxx
  • #xxx
  • rgb(r, g, b) with r, g and b being numbers in the range 0..255.
  • rgba(r, g, b, a) with a being a number in the range 0..1.
  • a color name from the CSS3 specification.
  • transparent sets a fully transparent color. This is a shortcut for rgba(0, 0, 0, 0).
  • initial resets the color to its (platform-dependent) default.


"#rgb(255, 0, 0)"
"#rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8)"


A positive float, or 0, representing device independent pixels.

See also Layout.


Distance to a parent’s or sibling’s opposing edge in one of these formats:

  • offset
  • percentage
  • Widget
  • "selector"
  • "prev()"
  • "percentage offset"
  • "selector offset"
  • "prev() offset"
  • [Widget, offset]
  • [percentage, offset]
  • [selector, offset]
  • ["prev()", offset]

See also Layout.


Fonts are specified as strings using the shorthand syntax known from CSS, specifically "[font-style] [font-weight] font-size [font-family[, font-family]*]". The font family may be omitted, in this case the default system font will be used. Generic font families supported across all platforms are "serif", "sans-serif", "condensed" and "monospace". Supported font weights are "light", "thin", "normal", "medium", "bold" and "black". The value "initial" represents the platform default.


"bold 24px"
"12px sans-serif"
"thin italic 12px sans-serif"


Object containing information about the currently performed gesture. See “Touch API”.


Images are specified as objects with the following properties:

  • src: string Image path or URL. Relative paths are resolved relative to ‘package.json’.
  • width: number (optional) Image width in dip, extracted from the image file when missing.
  • height: number (optional) Image height in dip, extracted from the image file when missing.
  • scale: number (optional) Image scale factor - the image will be scaled down by this factor. Ignored when width or height are set.

A plain string can be used as a shorthand, e.g. "image.jpg" equals {src: "image.jpg"}.


{src: "images/catseye.jpg", width: 300, height: 200}
{src: "", scale: 2}


Used to define how a widget should be arranged within its parent. See “Layouts”.


A positive or negative float, or 0, representing device independent pixels.

See also Layout.


A string starting with a number (int) followed directly by “%”. May be negative.

See also Layout.


Object containing information about the currently performed gesture. See “Touch API”.


Transformations are specified as an object with the following properties:

  • rotation: number, default: 0 Clock-wise rotation in radians.
  • scaleX: number, default: 1 Horizontal scale factor.
  • scaleY: number, default: 1 Vertical scale factor.
  • translationX: number, default: 0 Horizontal translation (shift) in dip.
  • translationY: number, default: 0 Vertical translation (shift) in dip.
  • translationZ: number, default: 0 Z-axis translation (shift) in dip. Android 5.0+ only.


{scaleX: 2, scaleY: 2, rotation: Math.PI * 0.75}

This transformation will make the widget twice as big and rotate it by 135°.


Selectors are used to filter a given list of widgets. It can be function returning a boolean for a given widget. However, more commonly a selector is a string that may either reference a widgets type (e.g. "Button", "TextView"), or its id ("#myButton", "#myTextView").