
A widget that can display a web page. Since this widget requires a lot of recourses it’s recommended to have no more than one instance at a time. Includes Widget


postMessage(message, targetOrigin)


  • message: string, the message to send. Currently supports only strings.
  • targetOrigin: string, the URL of the page that recieves the message. The message is only sent if the current document URL has the same scheme, domain and path. Use * to send to any URL.

Returns: this

Posts a web message to the underlying window object of the WebView. The website in the WebView can register for the message in the following fashion: window.addEventListener('message', callbackFunction). For more information see Window.postMessage() API.



Type: string

A complete HTML document to display. Always returns the last set value.


Type: string

The URL of the web page to display. Relative URLs are resolved relative to ‘package.json’. Returns empty string when content from html property is displayed.


“load” (widget)


  • widget: this

Fired when the url has been loaded.

“message” (widget, event)


  • widget: this
  • event: {data: string}

Fired when a web message has been send via window.parent.postMessage(message, targetOrigin) from inside the WebView. The events data property contains the message send, which currently has to be a string.


  • widget: this
  • event: any

Fired when the WebView is about to navigate to a new URL. Listeners can intercept the navigation by calling event.preventDefault().

See also