Gesture and Touch Events

Gesture Events

In Tabris.js there are 13 gesture events based on 4 basic gesture types:

  • tap - Fired once when a finger briefly touched the widget.
  • longpress - Fired when a finger touched the widget for a longer period of time (about a second, may depend on the platform), and again when lifting the finger.
  • pan - Starts firing continuously as soon as a finger moved in any direction for a certain distance (about 5px, may depend on the platform). The event is always fired on the widget where that the finger first touched, even if the finger is moved outside the widget.
  • pan:left - Starts firing continuously as soon as a finger moved to the left for a certain distance.
  • pan:right - Starts firing continuously as soon as a finger moved to the right for a certain distance.
  • pan:up - Starts firing continuously as soon as a finger moved upwards for a certain distance.
  • pan:down - Starts firing continuously as soon as a finger moved downwards for a certain distance.
  • pan:horizontal - Starts firing continuously as soon as a finger moved to the left or right for a certain distance.
  • pan:vertical - Starts firing continuously as soon as a finger moved upwards or downwards for a certain distance.
  • swipe:left - Fired once when a finger quickly moved to the left for a certain (longer) distance (may depend on platform).
  • swipe:right - Fired once when a finger quickly moved to the right for a certain (longer) distance (may depend on platform).
  • swipe:up - Fired once when a finger quickly moved upwards for a certain (longer) distance (may depend on platform).
  • swipe:down - Fired once when a finger quickly moved downwards for a certain (longer) distance (may depend on platform).


widget.on("swipe:left", function(widget, event) {

Gesture Object

All gesture listener are called with the parameters widget, gesture. Each gesture type (“tap”, “longpress”, “pan” and “swipe”) creates a different gesture object:

  • For tap gestures:
    • state: string - Always "recognized"
    • touches: [{x: number, y: number}] - Array of touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.
  • For longpress gesture:
    • state: string - "start" (widget has been hold down long enough), "end", or "cancel"
    • touches: [{x: number, y: number}] - Array of touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.
  • pan:
    • state: string - "start" (finger starts moving), "change" (finger is moving), "end", or "cancel"
    • translation: {x: number, y: number} - current touch coordinates relative to the coordinates of the first touch
    • velocity: {x: number, y: number} - current touch velocity in pixels per second
    • touches: [{x: number, y: number}] - Array of touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.
  • swipe:
    • event.state: string - Always "recognized"
    • event.touches: [{x: number, y: number}] - Array of touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.

The end state is set when the gesture ended by lifting all fingers, while cancel may be set if the gesture was interrupted, e.g. by a dialog pop-up.

Gestures in scrollable/panable Widgets

In a scrollable widget, like ScrollView or CollectionView, a recognized pan or swipe gesture in a non-scrollable direction will prevent scrolling. Therefore, attaching a pan:horizontal listener to a widget in a vertically scrolling ScrollView, will prevent scrolling for any gesture that starts with a horizontal movement. When no pan listener is attached or the movement starts in a vertical direction, scrolling is still possible.

Touch Events

Touch events are a low-level alternative to gesture events. They should only be used in case an interaction can not be accurately represented by a gesture. The target of all touch events is the widget that was touched first.

  • touchstart - Fired when a finger touches the widget.
  • touchmove - Fired repeatedly while swiping across the screen after initiating a touchstart event.
  • touchend - Fired when the touch interaction ends (i.e. the finger is lifted up) on the same widget that received the touchstart event.
  • touchcancel - Fired instead of touchend when the touch interaction ends on another widget than it started.

Touch Event Object

All touch listeners are called with the parameters widget, touchEvent. The event object includes the following properties:

  • time: number - number of milliseconds since the start of the app
  • touches: [touch, …] - an array of touch objects for all current touches. Since multiple touches are currently not supported, this array has always one element.

Touch Object

Every touch object has the following properties:

  • x: number - the horizontal offset relative to the target widget
  • y: number - the vertical offset relative to the target widget
  • pageX: number - the horizontal offset relative to the current page
  • pageY: number - the vertical offset relative to the current page


widget.on("touchstart", function(widget, event) {
  var x = event.touches[0].pageX;
  var y = event.touches[0].pageY;