Events API

Event handling API supported by widgets and various other objects.




Returns: this

Removes all listeners for all events from this widget. Supports chaining.



  • event: string

Returns: this

Removes all listeners for event from this widget. Supports chaining.

off(event, listener)


  • event: string
  • listener: Function

Returns: this

Removes all occurrences of listener that are bound to event from this widget, regardless of their context parameter. Supports chaining.

off(event, listener, context)


  • event: string
  • listener: Function
  • context: this

Returns: this

Removes all occurrences of listener that are bound to event and context from this widget. Supports chaining.

on(event, listener, context?)


  • event: string
  • listener: Function
  • context?: this, in the listener function, this will point to this object.

Returns: this

Adds a listener to the list of functions to be notified when event is fired. If the context parameter is not present, the listener will be called in the context of this object. Supports chaining.

once(event, listener)


  • event: string
  • listener: Function

Returns: this

Same as on, but removes the listener after it has been invoked by an event. Supports chaining.

once(event, listener, context)


  • event: string
  • listener: Function
  • context: this, in the listener function, this will point to this object.

Returns: this

Same as on, but removes the listener after it has been invoked by an event. Supports chaining.

trigger(event, …params)


  • event: string
  • …params: any[]

Returns: this

Triggers an event of the given type. All registered listeners will be notified. Additional parameters will be passed to the listeners.