
This API is available in the global namespace. You do not need to import it explicitly.




  • id: any
    • the ID that was returned by setInterval.

Cancels the running interval associated with the given ID. When given an invalid ID, nothing happens.



  • id: any
    • the ID that was returned by setTimeout.

Cancels the running timeout associated with the given ID. When given an invalid ID, nothing happens.

setInterval(callback, delay, …params)


  • callback: Function
    • the function to call.
  • delay: number [Optional]
    • the delay in milliseconds.
  • …params: any[]
    • one or more values passed on to the callback.

Returns: any

Calls the given function repeatedly, each times waiting the given delay. The actual delay may be slightly longer than the given one.

setTimeout(callback, delay, …params)


  • callback: Function
    • the function to call.
  • delay: number [Optional]
    • the delay in milliseconds.
  • …params: any[]
    • one or more values passed on to the callback.

Returns: any

Calls the given function with param (and all following parameters) after the specified delay. The actual delay may be slightly longer than the given one.


const {Button, ui} = require('tabris');

new Button({
  centerX: 0, centerY: 0,
  text: 'Press me!'
}).on('select', ({target}) => {
  target.text = 'Please wait...';
  setTimeout(sayThanks, 2000, target);

function sayThanks(widget) {
  widget.text = 'Thank you!';