Extends Composite
A composite allowing to use a pull-to-refresh gesture to trigger and visualize a long running operation.
Import this type with “const {RefreshComposite} = require('tabris');
Type: boolean, default: true
Whether the pull-to-refresh gesture can be performed by the user. When disabled, the RefreshComposite
behaves like a regular Composite
Type: boolean
Whether to visualize a long running operation. After the user has triggered a manual refresh, this property is true
and should be set to false
when the operation ended.
iOSWindows 10
Type: string
A message to show to the user during the refresh operation.
Fired when a refresh is triggered by the user.
Fired when the refreshEnabled property has changed.
Event Parameters
target: this The widget the event was fired on.
value: boolean The new value of refreshEnabled.
Fired when the refreshIndicator property has changed.
Event Parameters
target: this The widget the event was fired on.
value: boolean The new value of refreshIndicator.
Fired when the refreshMessage property has changed.
Event Parameters
target: this The widget the event was fired on.
value: string The new value of refreshMessage.
const {RefreshComposite, CheckBox, ScrollView, TextView, ui} = require('tabris');
let refreshComposite = new RefreshComposite({
left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
}).on('refresh', ({target}) => setTimeout(() => {
target.refreshIndicator = false;
textView.text = `last refresh: ${new Date()}\n${textView.text}`;
}, 1000)).appendTo(ui.contentView);
let scrollView = new ScrollView({
left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
new TextView({
left: 0, right: 0, top: 32,
alignment: 'center',
font: 'black 24px',
text: 'pull to refresh'
const textView = new TextView({
left: 0, right: 0, top: 'prev() 32',
alignment: 'center',
lineSpacing: 1.4,
new CheckBox({
left: 16, right: 16, bottom: 16,
text: 'Enable pull to refresh',
checked: true
}).on('checkedChanged', ({value: checked}) => refreshComposite.refreshEnabled = checked)