
:point_right: Make sure to first read the introduction to data binding.

This decorator creates two-way or one-way bindings within a custom component. Changes to the decorated component property value (must be a mutable object) are reflected on the target property of a target element (child) and the other way around.

@bindAll can by applied only to properties of a class decorated with @component. It behaves like @property in most regards. Only one of the two decorators can be applied to the same property.


Where bindings is a plain object in the format of:

  <sourceProperty>: '<direction?><SelectorString>.<targetProperty>'

:point_right: This a shorthand for @bind({all: bindings}). It can be used for object-to-widget bindings if no additional @bind options are needed.

:point_right: See example apps “bind-two-way-model” (TypeScript) and “bind-two-way-model-jsx” (JavaScript/JSX).

Declares a binding between the property <sourceProperty> of the source object (the object assigned to the decorated property) and the property <targetProperty> of the target element (a direct or indirect child element of the component) matching the selector string. This means the properties will be kept in sync as long as the source object is assigned to the component property. The bindings object may define one binding per source property. Valid selector strings may be id selectors (#myid), type selectors (TextInput) or :host, but not class selectors.

The optional direction may be either >> for a one-way binding that copies the source object property to the target element, or << for the reverse. Of omitted, a two-way binding is created. The direction may be separated from the selector with a space, e.g. >> #id.prop.

The example below establishes 2 two-way bindings:

  • One between the myText property of the assigned Model object and the property text of a child (e.g. a TextInput) with the id input1.
  • And one between the myNumber property of the assigned Model object and the property selection of a child (e.g. a Slider) with the id input2.


class MyComponent extends Composite {

    myText: '#input1.text',
    myNumber: '#input2.selection'
  model: Model;

  // ... constructor that creates input1 and input2 ...


In JavaScript the only difference is how - if at all - the decorated property is typed. In JavaScript JSDoc comments may be used, but this is optional. This is true for all examples below, so only the TypeScript variant will be given.

/** @type {Model} */
  myText: '#input1.text',
  myNumber: '#input2.selection'

The bindings are established after append is called the first time on the component. At that time there needs to be exactly one descendant widget with the given id for each binding, and they have to have a property of the same type as the source property. It is okay for the component property to be null at that time. The object in the model property can also be replaced with another one at any time and the bindings will update accordingly.

Properties eligible for bindings

Both source and target property need to generate change events for the two-way binding to work. The recommended way to implement this is using @property:

class Model {
  @property myText: string;
  @property myNumber: number;

Note that there is no need to explicitly create an event API, @bind can ‘talk’ directly to @property. However, an explicit implementation is also possible:

class Model {

  @event onMyTextChanged: ChangeListeners<Model, 'myText'>;
  private _myText: string;

  set myText(value: string) {
    if (this._myText !== value) {
      this._myText = value;

  get myText() {
    return this._myText;


Edge Cases

The component property (model in the above example) may also be set to null (or undefined) at any time. In two-way and model >> child one-way bindings the target properties of the child elements will then be set back to their initial values. The initial value in this case refers to the value a target property had the moment the target element was attached to the component. The source properties on the former source object will retain their latest value.

When a new two-way or model >> child binding is established (when append is called or the component property is assigned a new source object) all the target properties will be set to the current value of the their respective source property.

There are two exceptions to this behavior: If the source property is set to undefined (but not null) at the moment the binding is established it will be assigned the current value of the target property. Likewise, if a source property is set to undefined after the two-way binding has been established, both properties will be set to the initial value of the target property.

In model << child bindings the model property receiving the data will always be set to the value of the child property sending the data, whether it previously was undefined or some other value.

If in a two-way binding a source (model) property converts or ignores the incoming value of the target property, the target property will follow and also bet set to the new source property value. If a target property converts or ignores the incoming value of a source property, the source property will ignore that and keep its own value. The two properties are out-of-sync in this case. If either property throws when set, the error will be propagated to the caller that originally caused the value change. In this case the two properties may end up out-of-sync.

Scenario Binding Direction Source (Model) Property Target (Child) Property
The component property is assigned a model object. two-way unchanged set to bound source property value
>> unchanged set to bound source property value
<< set to bound child property unchanged
The source (current model object) property is assigned undefined, or is already undefined when binding is established. two-way set to bound child property value unchanged
>> undefined initial value
<< set to bound child property value unchanged
Component property is assigned null (or undefined). two-way unchanged set back to its initial value
>> unchanged set back to its initial value
<< unchanged unchanged