Base class for all objects with a native implementation.
Import this type with “const {NativeObject} = require('tabris');
- property: string
Returns: *Properties
Gets the current value of the given property.
off(type, listener, context)
- type: string
- the type of events to remove listeners for.
- listener: (event: any) => void
- the listener function to remove.
- context: object [Optional]
- the context of the bound listener to remove.
Returns: this
Removes all occurrences of listener that are bound to type and context from this widget.
- listeners: EventsObject
- a key-value map where the keys are event types and the values are the listeners to deregister from these events, e.g.
{tap: onTap, scroll: onScroll}
- a key-value map where the keys are event types and the values are the listeners to deregister from these events, e.g.
Returns: this
Removes all listeners in the given object from the event type indicated by their key.
on(type, listener, context)
- type: string
- the type of events to listen for.
- listener: (event: any) => void
- the listener function to register. This function will be called with an event object.
- context: object [Optional]
- in the listener function,
will point to this object. If not present, the listener will be called in the context of this object.
- in the listener function,
Returns: this
Registers a listener function to be notified of events of the given type.
- listeners: EventsObject
- a key-value map where the keys are event types and the values are the listeners to register for these events, e.g.
{tap: onTap, scroll: onScroll}
- a key-value map where the keys are event types and the values are the listeners to register for these events, e.g.
Returns: this
Registers all listeners in the given object for the event type indicated by their key.
once(type, listener, context)
- type: string
- the type of the event to listen for.
- listener: (event: any) => void
- the listener function to register. This function will be called with an event object.
- context: object [Optional]
- in the listener function,
will point to this object. If not present, the listener will be called in the context of this object.
- in the listener function,
Returns: this
Same as on
, but removes the listener after it has been invoked by an event.
- listeners: EventsObject
- a key-value map where the keys are event types and the values are the listeners to register for these events, e.g.
{tap: onTap, scroll: onScroll}
- a key-value map where the keys are event types and the values are the listeners to register for these events, e.g.
Returns: this
Same as on
, but removes the listener after it has been invoked by an event.
set(property, value)
- property: string
- value: any
Returns: this
Sets the given property.
- properties: PropertiesObject
Returns: this
Sets all key-value pairs in the properties object as widget properties.
- type: string
- the type of event to trigger
Returns: this
Notifies all registered listeners for the given type.
trigger(type, object)
- type: string
- the type of event to trigger
- object: object
- the object to pass to listener functions.
Returns: this
Passes the given object it to all listeners registered for this event type.
trigger(type, eventObject)
- type: string
- the type of event to trigger
- eventObject: EventObject
- an instance of
(or a subclass) to pass to listener functions.
- an instance of
Returns: this
Initializes the given eventObject and passes it to all listeners registered for this event type.
Type: string
An application-wide unique identifier automatically assigned to all native objects on creation.
This property can only be set on widget creation. Once set, it cannot be changed anymore.