Class “Tab”

Object > NativeObject > Widget > Composite > Tab

A container representing a single tab of a TabFolder widget.

Tab on Android
Tab on iOS
Type: Tab extends Composite
Constructor: public
Singleton: No
Namespace: tabris
Direct subclasses: None
JSX Support: Element: <Tab/>
Parent Elements: <TabFolder/>
Child Elements: Any standalone widget element



import {Tab, TabFolder, contentView} from 'tabris';

new TabFolder({left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0})
  .append(new Tab({title: 'Albums'}))
  .append(new Tab({title: 'Artists'}))
  .onSelect(({selection}) => console.log(`Tab changed to ${selection}`))

See also:

JSX Creating a Tab inside a TabFolder [► Run in Playground]


new Tab(properties?)

Parameter Type Description
properties Properties<Tab> Sets all key-value pairs in the properties object as widget properties. Optional.



Inserts this widget directly before the given Tab.

Parameter Type Description
widget Tab  

Returns: this



A badge to attach on the tab. Setting the badge to 0 hides the badge. The background color of the badge can be controlled with the badgeColor property.

On iOS the property only has an effect when the parent TabFolder has its tabBarLocation set to bottom.

Type: number
Settable: Yes
Change Event: badgeChanged


The background color used for the badge indicator.

Type: ColorValue
Settable: Yes
Change Event: badgeColorChanged


An image to be displayed on the tab. Will not be shown on iOS if the TabFolder’s tabBarLocation is set to top

Type: ImageValue
Settable: Yes
Change Event: imageChanged


An image to be displayed on the currently active tab.

Type: ImageValue
Settable: Yes
Change Event: selectedImageChanged


The title to be displayed on the tab.

Type: string
Settable: Yes
Change Event: titleChanged



Fired when the tab will become visible, i.e. the selection of its TabFolder.

EventObject Type: EventObject<Tab>

This event has no additional parameter.


Fired when the tab is no longer visible, i.e. it no longer is the selection of its TabFolder.

EventObject Type: EventObject<Tab>

This event has no additional parameter.


Fired when the tab is tapped by the user. The event is fired either when the tab is first selected or when it is already visible and tapped.

EventObject Type: EventObject<Tab>

This event has no additional parameter.


Fired when the tab is tapped by the user while it is already visible.

EventObject Type: EventObject<Tab>

This event has no additional parameter.

Change Events


Fired when the title property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Tab, string>

Property Type Description
value string The new value of title.


Fired when the image property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Tab, ImageValue>

Property Type Description
value ImageValue The new value of image.


Fired when the selectedImage property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Tab, ImageValue>

Property Type Description
value ImageValue The new value of selectedImage.


Fired when the badge property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Tab, number>

Property Type Description
value number The new value of badge.


Fired when the badgeColor property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Tab, ColorValue>

Property Type Description
value ColorValue The new value of badgeColor.