Class “Button”

Object > NativeObject > Widget > Button

A push button. Can contain a text or an image.

Button on Android
Button on iOS
Constructor public
Singleton No
Namespace tabris
Direct subclasses None
JSX support Element: <Button/>
Parent element: <Composite/> and any widget extending Composite
Child elements: None
Text content: Sets text property


import {Button, contentView} from 'tabris';

new Button({text: 'Save'})
  .onSelect(() => console.log('Button tapped'))

See also:

JSX Create a simple Button
JSX Create buttons with different styles


new Button(properties?)

Parameter Type Optional Description
properties Properties<Button> Yes Sets all key-value pairs in the properties object as widget properties.



The horizontal alignment of the button text.

Type 'left' | 'right' | 'centerX'
Default 'centerX'
Settable Yes
Change events Yes


The font used for the button text.

Type FontValue
Settable Yes
Change events Yes


An image to be displayed on the button.

Type ImageValue
Settable Yes
Change events Yes


A color to change the image appearance. All opaque parts of the image will be tinted with the given color. Set to initial to remove the effect.

Type ColorValue
Settable Yes
Change events Yes


Controls the line width of a button with the style outline.

Type ColorValue
Settable Yes
Change events Yes


Controls the line color of a button with the style outline.

Type number
Settable Yes
Change events Yes


The style controls the appearance of a Button and has to be provided in its constructor. The default style creates a platform specific button, which is flat on iOS and has an elevation and shadow on Android. In addition the following specific style values can be used:

  • elevate A button with a platform specific background color, elevation and a surrounding drop shadow. Only supported on Android
  • flat A button with no elevation and a platform specific background color
  • outline A button with a transparent background and an outline stroke which can be controlled via the properties strokeWidth and strokeColor
  • text A button with no background and only consisting of its text label.
Type 'default' | 'elevate' | 'flat' | 'outline' | 'text'
Default 'default'
Settable On creation
Change events No

This property can only be set via constructor or JSX. Once set, it cannot change anymore.

See also:

JSX button-style.jsx


The button’s label text.

Type string
Settable Yes
Change events Yes
JSX content type string

When using Button as an JSX element the element content is mapped to this property. Therefore

<Button>Hello World</Button>

has the same effect as:

<Button text='Hello World' />


The color of the text.

Type ColorValue
Settable Yes
Change events Yes



Fired when the button is pressed.

Change Events


Fired when the strokeColor property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value ColorValue The new value of strokeColor.


Fired when the strokeWidth property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value number The new value of strokeWidth.


Fired when the alignment property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value string The new value of alignment.


Fired when the font property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value FontValue The new value of font.


Fired when the image property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value ImageValue The new value of image.


Fired when the imageTintColor property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value ColorValue The new value of imageTintColor.


Fired when the text property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value string The new value of text.


Fired when the textColor property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value ColorValue The new value of textColor.