Class “TextView”

Object > NativeObject > Widget > TextView

A widget to display a text. For images, use ImageView.

TextView on Android
TextView on iOS
Constructor public
Singleton No
Namespace tabris
Direct subclasses None
JSX support Element: <TextView/>
Parent element: <Composite/> and any widget extending Composite
Child elements: None
Text content: Sets text property


import {TextView, contentView} from 'tabris';

new TextView({
  left: 16, right: 16,
  text: 'Content'

See also:

JSX Creating a simple TextView
JSX Creating a TextView with support for markup
JSX Creating a TextView with support for text links
JSX Demonstrating various line spacing values on a TextView
JS Creating a TextView with an external font
JS textview-font-bundled.js
JS textview-linespacing.js


new TextView(properties?)

Parameter Type Optional Description
properties Properties<TextView> Yes Sets all key-value pairs in the properties object as widget properties.



The horizontal alignment of the text.

Type 'left' | 'right' | 'centerX'
Default 'left'
Settable Yes
Change events Yes


The font used for the text.

Type FontValue
Settable Yes
Change events Yes

See also:

JS textview-font-bundled.js
JS textview-font-external.js


The amount of space between each line of text. The lineSpacing property is a factor with a default value of 1.0.

Type number
Default 1.0
Settable Yes
Change events Yes

See also:

JS textview-linespacing.js


Allows for a subset of HTML tags in the text. Supported tags are: a, del, ins, b, i, strong, em, big, small, br. All tags must be closed (e.g. use <br/> instead of <br>). Nesting tags is not supported on iOS. A platform might allow to use additional tags but cross-platform compatibility is only guaranteed for the tags listed above. When the text is given as the content of a <TextView> JSX element, markupEnabled will parse the text more like HTML, i.e. consecutive white spaces will be merged.

Type boolean
Settable Yes
Change events Yes

See also:

JSX textview-markupenabled.jsx


Limit the number of lines to be displayed to the given maximum. null disables this limit.

Type number | null
Default null
Settable Yes
Change events Yes



Whether the text can be selected or not.

Type boolean
Settable Yes
Change events Yes


The text to display.

Type string
Settable Yes
Change events Yes
JSX content type string

When using TextView as an JSX element the element content is mapped to this property. Therefore

<TextView>Hello World</TextView>

has the same effect as:

<TextView text='Hello World' />


The color of the text.

Type ColorValue
Settable Yes
Change events Yes


Fires when the user clicks on a link in an html text. Requires to set markupEnabled to true and to provide a text containing an anchor (<a>) with an href attribute. Eg. textView.text = 'Website: <a href="></a>'. The event object contains a property url which provides the anchors href url.

Parameter Type Description
url string The url referenced by the href attribute of the anchor.

Change Events


Fired when the alignment property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value string The new value of alignment.


Fired when the selectable property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value boolean The new value of selectable.


Fired when the markupEnabled property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value boolean The new value of markupEnabled.


Fired when the text property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value string The new value of text.


Fired when the textColor property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value ColorValue The new value of textColor.


Fired when the maxLines property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value number | null The new value of maxLines.


Fired when the lineSpacing property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value number The new value of lineSpacing.


Fired when the font property has changed.

Parameter Type Description
value FontValue The new value of font.