Class “ActionSheetItem”

Object > ActionSheetItem

Describes an entry in an ActionSheet.

Type: ActionSheetItem extends Object
Constructor: public
Singleton: No
Namespace: tabris
Direct subclasses: None
JSX Support: Element: <ActionSheetItem/>
Parent Elements: <ActionSheet/>
Child Elements: Not Supported
Text Content: title


new ActionSheetItem(properties?)

Parameter Type Description
properties ActionSheetItem Either an instance of ActionSheetItem or a plain object with some or all of the same properties, e.g. {title: 'MyTitel'} Optional.



An image to be displayed for this item in the ActionSheet

Type: ImageValue
Settable: Yes

This property can only be set via constructor. Once set, it cannot change anymore.


The style of presentation for this item in the ActionSheet. With the style cancel or destructive are displayed in a special way.

Note: On iPad, an action with style cancel will not be shown in the ActionSheet as per Apple’s design approach. If such button is added tapping outside of ActionSheet is equivalent to pressing the cancel action on iPad. In case of tapping outside an appropriate event will be sent by the native side as if such button was pressed

Type: 'default'
| 'cancel'
| 'destructive'
Settable: Yes

This property can only be set via constructor. Once set, it cannot change anymore.


The text to be displayed for this item in the ActionSheet.

Type: string  
Settable: YesJSX Text Property: Yes

When using ActionSheetItem as an JSX element the elements Text content is mapped to this property.

This property can only be set via constructor. Once set, it cannot change anymore.