Class “Popover”

Object > NativeObject > Popup > Popover

An Popover represents a modal ui container that is shown above the apps content. It provides the root element of a new layout hierarchy in the form of its contentView property. User provided widgets can be attached to the contentView similarly to the tabris.contentView. In order to close the Popover the close() method can be used.

The appearance of the Popover depends on the device size: On larger devices (like tablets) the Popover is shown as a floating window whereas on smaller devices it is shown as a fullscreen sheet covering the entire app.

Type: Popover extends Popup
Constructor: public
Singleton: No
Namespace: tabris
Direct subclasses: None
JSX Support: Element: <Popover/>
Parent Elements: Not supported
Child Elements: Not Supported
Text Content: Not supported



import {Popover, TextView} from 'tabris';

const popover = new Popover();
popover.contentView.append(new TextView({text: 'Hello Popover'}));;

See also:

JSX Creating a Popover containing a NavigationView


new Popover(properties?)

Parameter Type Description
properties Properties<Popover> Sets all key-value pairs in the properties object on the Popover. Optional.

Static Methods


Makes the given popover visible. Meant to be used with inline-JSX. In TypeScript it also casts the given JSX element from any to an actual Popover.

Parameter Type Description
popover Popover The popover to open

Returns: Popover




An anchor Widget the Popover should attach to. When the anchor is given the Popover is positioned next to the anchor Widget and provides a visual indication of its relation. When omitted the Popover is positioned centered on the screen.

Type: Widget
Settable: Yes
Change Event: anchorChanged


The root widget element containing all children of Popover.

Type: ContentView
Default: ContentView
Settable: No
Change Event: Not supported

This property can only be set via constructor or JSX. Once set, it cannot change anymore.


The height of the Popover when shown in windowed mode on large screen devices. Will be a platform specific default if set to null.

Type: Dimension
Default: null
Settable: Yes
Change Event: heightChanged


The width of the Popover when shown in windowed mode on large screen devices. Will be a platform specific default if set to null.

Type: Dimension
Default: null
Settable: Yes
Change Event: widthChanged



Fired when the Popover was closed.

EventObject Type: EventObject<Popover>

This event has no additional parameter.

Change Events


Fired when the width property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Popover, Dimension>

Property Type Description
value Dimension The new value of width.


Fired when the height property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Popover, Dimension>

Property Type Description
value Dimension The new value of height.


Fired when the anchor property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Popover, Widget>

Property Type Description
value Widget The new value of anchor.