Class “AlertDialog”
Object > NativeObject > Popup > AlertDialog
An AlertDialog
represents a native dialog pop-up showing a message and up to three buttons. Is automatically disposed when closed.

Type: | AlertDialog extends Popup |
Constructor: | public |
Singleton: | No |
Namespace: | tabris |
Direct subclasses: | None |
JSX Support: | Element: <AlertDialog/> Parent Elements: Not supported Child Elements: Not Supported Text Content: message |
import {AlertDialog} from 'tabris';
new AlertDialog({
title: 'Document saved',
buttons: {ok: 'OK'}
See also:
JSX Creating various types of alert dialogs
new AlertDialog(properties?)
Parameter | Type | Description |
properties | Properties<AlertDialog> |
Sets all key-value pairs in the properties object as widget properties. Optional. |
Static Methods
Makes the given alert dialog visible. Meant to be used with inline-JSX. In TypeScript it also casts the given JSX element from any
to an actual AlertDialog.
Parameter | Type | Description |
alertDialog | AlertDialog |
The alert dialog to open |
Returns: AlertDialog
Creates and opens an alert dialog with one ‘OK’ button and the given message.
Parameter | Type | Description |
message | string |
The message to display |
Returns: AlertDialog
An object with the texts of the buttons to display. There are up to three buttons: ok
, cancel
and neutral
. If no text is given for a button it will not be displayed. Example: {ok: 'Yes', cancel: 'No'}
shows ‘Yes’ and ‘No’, but no ‘neutral’ button.
Type: | { |
Settable: | Yes |
Change Event: | buttonsChanged |
The message to display inside the dialog.
Type: | string |
Settable: | Yes |
Change Event: | messageChanged |
JSX Text Property: | Yes |
When using AlertDialog as an JSX element the elements Text content is mapped to this property.
A composite that may contain TextInput
widgets to be displayed alongside the title
and message
. The text values inserted by the user can be read in the dialogs close
event via its texts
property. Eg.: dialog.on('close', (e) => e.texts[0])
In an AlertDialog JSX element the TextInput widgets may be given as child elements.
Type: | ContentView<TextInput> |
Settable: | No |
Change Event: | Not supported |
This property can only be set via constructor or JSX. Once set, it cannot change anymore.
The title of the dialog.
Type: | string |
Settable: | Yes |
Change Event: | titleChanged |
Fired when the dialog was closed for any reason.
EventObject Type: AlertDialogCloseEvent<AlertDialog>
Property | Type | Description |
button | 'ok' |
The type of button that was used to close the dialog. Can also be null, e.g. when the global back button was pressed. |
texts | string[] |
An array containing the corresponding text values of all textInputs elements. |
Fired when the dialog was closed by pressing the ‘ok’ button.
EventObject Type: EventObject<AlertDialog>
This event has no additional parameter.
Fired when the dialog was closed by pressing the ‘cancel’ button.
EventObject Type: EventObject<AlertDialog>
This event has no additional parameter.
Fired when the dialog was closed by pressing the ‘neutral’ button.
EventObject Type: EventObject<AlertDialog>
This event has no additional parameter.
Change Events
Fired when the title property has changed.
EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<AlertDialog, string>
Property | Type | Description |
value | string |
The new value of title. |
Fired when the message property has changed.
EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<AlertDialog, string>
Property | Type | Description |
value | string |
The new value of message. |
Fired when the buttons property has changed.
EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<AlertDialog, Object>
Property | Type | Description |
value | { |
The new value of buttons. |