Class “Stack”

Object > NativeObject > Widget > Composite > Stack

A composite with the layout property initialized with a Stack. All children are automatically arranged in one vertical stack, starting from the top. The layoutData on the children is ignored.

Type: Stack extends Composite
Constructor: public
Singleton: No
Namespace: tabris
Direct subclasses: None
JSX Support: Element: <Stack/>
Parent Elements: <Canvas/>, <Composite/>, <Page/>, <RefreshComposite/>, <ScrollView/>, <Stack/>, <Tab/>
Child Elements: Any standalone widget element
Text Content: Not supported



import {Stack, contentView, TextView} from 'tabris';

const stack = new Stack({
  layoutData: 'stretch',
  spacing: 16

  new TextView({text: 'top'}),
  new TextView({text: 'center'}),
  new TextView({text: 'bottom'})

See also:

JSX Creating a simple Stack
JSX Creating a Stack with horizontal alignment
JSX Creating a Stack with vertical alignment


new Stack(properties?)

Parameter Type Description
properties Properties<Stack> Sets all key-value pairs in the properties object as widget properties. Optional.



Determines the horizontal placement of the children. For the stretchX value to work correctly the Stack needs to be given a width either by setting width or by setting left and right.

Type: 'left'
| 'centerX'
| 'stretchX'
| 'right'
Default: 'left'
Settable: By Constructor or JSX
Change Event: Not supported

This property can only be set via constructor or JSX. Once set, it cannot change anymore.

See also:

JSX stack-alignment.jsx


The stack layout manager responsible for interpreting the layoutData of the child widgets of this Composite.

Type: StackLayout
Default: StackLayout
Settable: By Constructor or JSX
Change Event: Not supported

This property can only be set via constructor or JSX. Once set, it cannot change anymore.


Additional space to add between the children in device independent pixel.

Type: number
Default: 16
Settable: By Constructor or JSX
Change Event: Not supported

This property can only be set via constructor or JSX. Once set, it cannot change anymore.