Class “ImageView”

Object > NativeObject > Widget > ImageView

A widget to display an image.

ImageView on Android
ImageView on iOS
Type: ImageView extends Widget
Constructor: public
Singleton: No
Namespace: tabris
Direct subclasses: None
JSX Support: Element: <ImageView/>
Parent Elements: <Canvas/>, <Cell/>, <Composite/>, <Page/>, <RefreshComposite/>, <Row/>, <ScrollView/>, <Stack/>, <Tab/>
Child Elements: Not Supported



import {ImageView, contentView} from 'tabris';

new ImageView({image: 'resources/image.png'})

See also:

JSX Using an ImageView as a button
JSX Creating ImageViews with various scale modes
JSX Creating an ImageView with support for pinch-to-zoom
JSX Creating an ImageView with a tint color applied
JSX Creating an ImageView with a load event callback
JSX Using an ImageView to show a Base64 encoded image
JSX imageview-blob.jsx
TSX imageview-gallery.tsx
JSX imageview-imagebitmap.jsx
JSX imageview-scalemode-auto.jsx
JSX imageview.jsx


new ImageView(properties?)

Parameter Type Description
properties Properties<ImageView> Sets all key-value pairs in the properties object as widget properties. Optional.



The image to display. Providing the width and height attributes on the image will resize it internally. When no dimensions are given the image will be loaded with its original size. Since the full size image might occupy a lot of memory, it’s recommended to provide exact dimensions.

Type: ImageValue
Settable: Yes
Change Event: imageChanged


The highest amount the image can be zoomed in to. Setting the maxZoomLevel to a level smaller than the current zoomLevel changes the zoomLevel to be the same as the new maxZoomLevel.

Type: number
Default: 3
Settable: Yes
Change Event: maxZoomLevelChanged


The lowest amount the image can be zoomed out to. Setting the minZoomLevel to a level larger than the current zoomLevel changes the zoomLevel to be the same as the new minZoomLevel.

Type: number
Default: 1
Settable: Yes
Change Event: minZoomLevelChanged


How to scale the image.

  • fit will scale the image proportionally to fit into the view, possible leaving some empty space at the edges. That is, the image will be displayed as large as possible while being fully contained in the view.
  • fill will scale the image proportionally to fill the entire view, possibly cutting off parts of the image. That is, the image will be displayed as small as possible while covering the entire view.
  • auto will scale down the image to fit into the view if it is too large, but it won’t scale up a smaller image.
  • stretch will resize the image to the actual bounds of the image view.
  • none will not resize the image at all. The image will be displayed in its original size.
Type: 'auto' | 'fit' | 'fill' | 'stretch' | 'none'
Default: 'auto'
Settable: Yes
Change Event: scaleModeChanged

See also:

JSX imageview-scalemode-auto.jsx
JSX imageview-scalemode.jsx


A color to change the image appearance. All opaque parts of the image will be tinted with the given color. Set to initial to remove the effect.

Type: ColorValue
Settable: Yes
Change Event: tintColorChanged

See also:

JSX imageview-tintcolor.jsx


Enables the pinch-to-zoom gesture on the ImageView and makes the properties zoomLevel, minZoomLevel and maxZoomLevel available. Setting zoomEnabled to false also resets the zoomLevel, minZoomLevel, maxZoomLevel to their respective defaults.

Type: boolean
Default: false
Settable: Yes
Change Event: zoomEnabledChanged


The amount that the image is zoomed in or out. The default position without any zooming has the value 1.0.

Type: number
Default: 1
Settable: Yes
Change Event: zoomLevelChanged



Fired when the image loading has finished.

EventObject Type: ImageViewLoadEvent<ImageView>

Property Type Description
error boolean Contains the final status of the loading process

See also:

JSX imageview-load.jsx


Fired when the user zooms the image in or out. The zoom event indicates a change to the zoomLevel property.

EventObject Type: ImageViewZoomEvent<ImageView>

Property Type Description
zoomLevel number The new value of zoomLevel.

See also:

JSX imageview-zoom.jsx

Change Events


Fired when the image property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<ImageView, ImageValue>

Property Type Description
value ImageValue The new value of image.


Fired when the scaleMode property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<ImageView, string>

Property Type Description
value string The new value of scaleMode.


Fired when the tintColor property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<ImageView, ColorValue>

Property Type Description
value ColorValue The new value of tintColor.


Fired when the zoomEnabled property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<ImageView, boolean>

Property Type Description
value boolean The new value of zoomEnabled.


Fired when the zoomLevel property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<ImageView, number>

Property Type Description
value number The new value of zoomLevel.


Fired when the minZoomLevel property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<ImageView, number>

Property Type Description
value number The new value of minZoomLevel.


Fired when the maxZoomLevel property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<ImageView, number>

Property Type Description
value number The new value of maxZoomLevel.