Class “Widget”

Object > NativeObject > Widget

Base class for all widgets

Type: Widget extends NativeObject
Constructor: protected
Singleton: No
Namespace: tabris
Direct subclasses: Action, ActivityIndicator, Button, CameraView, CheckBox, Composite, ImageView, Picker, ProgressBar, RadioButton, Slider, Switch, TextInput, TextView, ToggleButton, Video, WebView
JSX Support: No

See also:

Understanding layouts in Tabris.js
Understanding gesture events in Tabris.js
JSX A Widget with padding
JSX A card style Widget with corner radius and elevation
JS A Widget with a linear-gradient background
JS Using touch events on a Widget
JSX widget-elevation.jsx
JSX widget-exclude-from-layout.jsx
JSX widget-highlightontouch.jsx
JS widget-touch.js


animate(properties, options)

Starts an animation that transforms the given properties from their current values to the given ones. Supported properties are transform and opacity. Returns a promise that is resolved once the animation is completed and is rejected if the animation is aborted.

Parameter Type Description
properties {
  transform: Transformation, // optional
  opacity: number // optional
The properties and target values to animate.
options AnimationOptions Configures the animation itself.

Returns: Promise


Appends this widget to the given parent. The parent widget must support children (extending Composite). If the widget already has a parent, it is removed from the old parent.

Parameter Type Description
parent Composite  

Returns: this


Removes this widget from its parent.

Returns: this


Removes this widget from its parent and destroys it. Also disposes of all its children. Triggers a remove event on the parent and a dispose event on itself. The widget can no longer be used.

Returns: undefined


Inserts this widget directly after the given widget. If the widget already has a parent, it is removed from the old parent.

Parameter Type Description
widget Widget  

Returns: this


Inserts this widget directly before the given widget. If the widget already has a parent, it is removed from the old parent.

Parameter Type Description
widget Widget  

Returns: this


Returns true if the widget has been disposed, otherwise false.

Returns: boolean


Returns the parent of this widget or null if this widget is not appended to a parent.

Returns: Composite


Returns the first (nearest) parent of this widget that matches the given selector, or null if no parent matches.

Parameter Type Description
selector Selector A selector expression or a predicate function to filter the results.

Returns: Result


Returns a (possibly empty) collection of all siblings of this widget that match the given selector.

Parameter Type Description
selector Selector A selector expression or a predicate function to filter the results. Optional.

Returns: WidgetCollection

Protected Methods

These methods are accessible only in classes extending Widget.

_setParent(parent, index?)

Sets the parent of the widget. If an index is given the widget will be inserted at that position.

Parameter Type Description
parent Composite  
index number Optional.

Returns: undefined



The actual location and size of the widget, relative to contentView.

Type: Bounds
Settable: No
Change Event: Not supported


The background of the widget. If given a plain string it is interpreted first as a gradient, then as a color, and finally as an image path, whichever passes first. Use object literals or instances of LinearGradient, Color or Image to avoid any ambiguity.

Type: LinearGradientValue
| ColorValue
| ImageValue
Settable: Yes
Change Event: backgroundChanged


The vertical position of the widget’s baseline relative to a sibling widget. Value true is treated like 'prev()' and aligns it with the previous sibling.

Type: SiblingReferenceValue
| 'auto'
| true
Default: 'auto'
Settable: Yes
Change Event: baselineChanged


The position of the widget’s bottom edge relative to the parent or a sibling widget.

Type: ConstraintValue
Default: 'auto'
Settable: Yes
Change Event: bottomChanged


The actual location and size of the widget, relative to its parent.

Type: Bounds
Settable: No
Change Event: boundsChanged


The horizontal position of the widget’s center relative to the parent’s center. Value true is treated like 0 and puts it at the exact center without offset.

Type: Offset
| 'auto'
| true
Default: 'auto'
Settable: Yes
Change Event: centerXChanged


The vertical position of the widget’s center relative to the parent’s center. Value true is treated like 0 and puts it at the exact center without offset.

Type: Offset
| 'auto'
| true
Default: 'auto'
Settable: Yes
Change Event: centerYChanged


A class name or a whitespace separated list of class names to identify the widget. Class names are arbitrary strings that describe a state or a category and help to select widgets using a selector expression. A class name may only contain alphanumeric characters, _ and -. Class names can also be added or removed using the field classList.

Type: string
Settable: Yes
Change Event: classChanged


Provides convenient access to the list of class names set to this widget. Class names can either be set using the class property or by modifying the classList directly.

Type: string[]
Settable: Yes
Change Event: classListChanged


Configure a widget to have equally rounded corners. The widget content is clipped by the rounded corners.

Type: number
Settable: Yes
Change Event: cornerRadiusChanged

See also:

JSX widget-cornerradius.jsx


A general-purpose object that allows the application to attach arbitrary data to the widget. Manipulations on this object have no effect on the widget itself in any way. Example: = myData;

Type: object
Settable: No
Change Event: Not supported


The position of the widget on the z-axis. Setting an elevation casts a shadow in the shape of the widget.

To have the shadow properly applied on Android it is required to set the background on the widget as well.

Type: number
Settable: Yes
Change Event: elevationChanged

See also:

JSX widget-elevation.jsx


Whether the widget can be interacted with.

Type: boolean
Default: true
Settable: Yes
Change Event: enabledChanged


If set to true the widget will be invisible and ignored in the layout of the parent. Visually it is treated like it was not attached to its parent, but it will still included in the return value of children().

Type: boolean
Default: false
Settable: Yes
Change Event: excludeFromLayoutChanged


The height of the widget.

Type: Dimension | 'auto'
Default: 'auto'
Settable: Yes
Change Event: heightChanged


Whether the widget should show visual feedback while touched. Enabling highlightOnTouch will not prevent the touch event from being propagated to the parent widget.

Type: boolean
Default: false
Settable: Yes
Change Event: highlightOnTouchChanged

See also:

JSX widget-highlightontouch.jsx


A string to identify the widget by using selectors. IDs are optional. It is strongly recommended that they are unique within a page.

Type: string
Settable: Yes
Change Event: idChanged


Provides information for a widget to be used by the parent when determining its size and position. While this property accepts any valid LayoutData expression (see LayoutDataValue, it will always return an instance of the class LayoutData.

Widget provides an alias property for each property of LayoutData. Setting these properties will change the value of the layoutData property, while getting them is the same as accessing them via the layoutData property. I.e. widget.left === widget.layoutData.left.

There are multiple presets for layoutData available as static properties on the LayoutData class: center, [stretch](/3.3/api/LayoutData.html#stretch), stretchX and [stretchY](/3.3/api/LayoutData.html#stretchy). They may be set directly (new TextView({layoutData: LayoutData.stretch});), via string (e.g. new TextView({layoutData: 'stretch'});), or in JSX via a special shorthand syntax: <TextView stretch/>. The presets can be merged with widget properties, e.g. <TextView stretch left={10}/> or <TextView stretchX centerY/>

Type: LayoutDataValue
Default: LayoutData
Settable: Yes
Change Event: layoutDataChanged


The position of the widget’s left edge relative to the parent or a sibling widget.

Type: ConstraintValue
Default: 'auto'
Settable: Yes
Change Event: leftChanged


Opacity of the entire widget, in the range [0..1]. Can be used for fade animations.

Type: number
Default: 1
Settable: Yes
Change Event: opacityChanged


Additional space to add inside the widgets bounds.

Type: BoxDimensions | null
Settable: By Constructor or JSX
Change Event: Not supported

See also:

JSX widget-padding.jsx

The position of the widget’s right edge relative to the parent or a sibling widget.

Type: ConstraintValue
Default: 'auto'
Settable: Yes
Change Event: rightChanged


The position of the widget’s top edge relative to the parent or a sibling widget.

Type: ConstraintValue
Default: 'auto'
Settable: Yes
Change Event: topChanged


Modifications to the widget’s shape, size, or position. Can be used for animations. Note: In Android the transform property does not affect the bounds property, while it does so in iOS.

Type: Transformation
Settable: Yes
Change Event: transformChanged


If set to false the widget will be invisible, but still occupy space in the parents layout. Visually it is treated like a widget with an opacity of 0, but in addition the widget can also not be interacted with anymore.

Type: boolean
Default: true
Settable: Yes
Change Event: visibleChanged


The width of the widget.

Type: Dimension | 'auto'
Default: 'auto'
Settable: Yes
Change Event: widthChanged



Fired once when a finger briefly touched the widget.

EventObject Type: WidgetTapEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
touches [{x: number, y: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.


Fired after pressing a widget for a specific amount of time (about a second), and again on lifting the finger.

EventObject Type: WidgetLongPressEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
state 'start'
| 'end'
| 'cancel'
‘start’ when the widget has been hold down long enough, ‘end’ when the finger has been lifted and ‘cancel’ when the gesture has been interrupted.
touches [{x: number, y: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.

See also:

JS widget-longpress-to-drag.js


Fired continuously after a finger touching the widget moved for a certain distance.

EventObject Type: WidgetPanEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
state 'start'
| 'change'
| 'end'
| 'cancel'
‘start’ when the finger starts moving, ‘change’ while the finger is moving, ‘end’ when the finger has been lifted and ‘cancel’ when the gesture has been interrupted.
touches [{x: number, y: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.
translationX number Current horizontal touch offset relative to the first touch.
translationY number Current vertical touch offset relative to the first touch.
velocityX number Current horizontal velocity in pixels per second.
velocityY number Current vertical velocity in pixels per second.


Fired when a finger starts moving up.

EventObject Type: WidgetPanEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
state 'start'
| 'change'
| 'end'
| 'cancel'
‘start’ when the finger starts moving, ‘change’ while the finger is moving, ‘end’ when the finger has been lifted and ‘cancel’ when the gesture has been interrupted.
touches [{x: number, y: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.
translationX number Current horizontal touch offset relative to the first touch.
translationY number Current vertical touch offset relative to the first touch.
velocityX number Current horizontal velocity in pixels per second.
velocityY number Current vertical velocity in pixels per second.


Fired when a finger starts moving down.

EventObject Type: WidgetPanEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
state 'start'
| 'change'
| 'end'
| 'cancel'
‘start’ when the finger starts moving, ‘change’ while the finger is moving, ‘end’ when the finger has been lifted and ‘cancel’ when the gesture has been interrupted.
touches [{x: number, y: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.
translationX number Current horizontal touch offset relative to the first touch.
translationY number Current vertical touch offset relative to the first touch.
velocityX number Current horizontal velocity in pixels per second.
velocityY number Current vertical velocity in pixels per second.


Fired when a finger starts moving left.

EventObject Type: WidgetPanEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
state 'start'
| 'change'
| 'end'
| 'cancel'
‘start’ when the finger starts moving, ‘change’ while the finger is moving, ‘end’ when the finger has been lifted and ‘cancel’ when the gesture has been interrupted.
touches [{x: number, y: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.
translationX number Current horizontal touch offset relative to the first touch.
translationY number Current vertical touch offset relative to the first touch.
velocityX number Current horizontal velocity in pixels per second.
velocityY number Current vertical velocity in pixels per second.


Fired when a finger starts moving right.

EventObject Type: WidgetPanEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
state 'start'
| 'change'
| 'end'
| 'cancel'
‘start’ when the finger starts moving, ‘change’ while the finger is moving, ‘end’ when the finger has been lifted and ‘cancel’ when the gesture has been interrupted.
touches [{x: number, y: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.
translationX number Current horizontal touch offset relative to the first touch.
translationY number Current vertical touch offset relative to the first touch.
velocityX number Current horizontal velocity in pixels per second.
velocityY number Current vertical velocity in pixels per second.


Fired when a finger starts moving left or right.

EventObject Type: WidgetPanEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
state 'start'
| 'change'
| 'end'
| 'cancel'
‘start’ when the finger starts moving, ‘change’ while the finger is moving, ‘end’ when the finger has been lifted and ‘cancel’ when the gesture has been interrupted.
touches [{x: number, y: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.
translationX number Current horizontal touch offset relative to the first touch.
translationY number Current vertical touch offset relative to the first touch.
velocityX number Current horizontal velocity in pixels per second.
velocityY number Current vertical velocity in pixels per second.


Fired when a finger starts moving up or down.

EventObject Type: WidgetPanEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
state 'start'
| 'change'
| 'end'
| 'cancel'
‘start’ when the finger starts moving, ‘change’ while the finger is moving, ‘end’ when the finger has been lifted and ‘cancel’ when the gesture has been interrupted.
touches [{x: number, y: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.
translationX number Current horizontal touch offset relative to the first touch.
translationY number Current vertical touch offset relative to the first touch.
velocityX number Current horizontal velocity in pixels per second.
velocityY number Current vertical velocity in pixels per second.


Fired when a finger moves up quickly.

EventObject Type: WidgetSwipeEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
touches [{x: number, y: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.


Fired when a finger moves down quickly.

EventObject Type: WidgetSwipeEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
touches [{x: number, y: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.


Fired when a finger moves left quickly.

EventObject Type: WidgetSwipeEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
touches [{x: number, y: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.


Fired when a finger moves right quickly.

EventObject Type: WidgetSwipeEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
touches [{x: number, y: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.


Fired when a widget is touched. See Touch Events.

EventObject Type: WidgetTouchEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
touches [{x: number, y: number, absoluteX: number, absoluteY: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.


Fired repeatedly while swiping across the screen.

EventObject Type: WidgetTouchEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
touches [{x: number, y: number, absoluteX: number, absoluteY: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.


Fired when a touch ends on the same widget than it started on.

EventObject Type: WidgetTouchEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
touches [{x: number, y: number, absoluteX: number, absoluteY: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.


Fired instead of touchEnd when the touch ends on another widget than it started on.

EventObject Type: WidgetTouchEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
touches [{x: number, y: number, absoluteX: number, absoluteY: number}] Touch coordinates relative to the origin coordinates of the widget.


Fired when the widget’s size has changed.

EventObject Type: WidgetResizeEvent<Widget>

Property Type Description
height number The height of the widget in dip.
left number The horizontal offset from the parent’s left edge in dip.
top number The vertical offset from the parent’s top edge in dip.
width number The width of the widget in dip.


Fired when the widget is about to be disposed. At this point the widget and its children are still accessible.

EventObject Type: EventObject<Widget>

This event has no additional parameter.

Change Events


Fired when the id property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, string>

Property Type Description
value string The new value of id.


Fired when the class property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, string>

Property Type Description
value string The new value of class.


Fired when the classList property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, Array>

Property Type Description
value string[] The new value of classList.


Fired when the enabled property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, boolean>

Property Type Description
value boolean The new value of enabled.


Fired when the excludeFromLayout property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, boolean>

Property Type Description
value boolean The new value of excludeFromLayout.


Fired when the visible property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, boolean>

Property Type Description
value boolean The new value of visible.


Fired when the layoutData property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, LayoutDataValue>

Property Type Description
value LayoutDataValue The new value of layoutData.


Fired when the left property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, ConstraintValue>

Property Type Description
value ConstraintValue The new value of left.


Fired when the right property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, ConstraintValue>

Property Type Description
value ConstraintValue The new value of right.


Fired when the top property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, ConstraintValue>

Property Type Description
value ConstraintValue The new value of top.


Fired when the bottom property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, ConstraintValue>

Property Type Description
value ConstraintValue The new value of bottom.


Fired when the width property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, Dimension | 'auto'>

Property Type Description
value Dimension | 'auto' The new value of width.


Fired when the height property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, Dimension | 'auto'>

Property Type Description
value Dimension | 'auto' The new value of height.


Fired when the centerX property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, Offset | 'auto' | true>

Property Type Description
value Offset
| 'auto'
| true
The new value of centerX.


Fired when the centerY property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, Offset | 'auto' | true>

Property Type Description
value Offset
| 'auto'
| true
The new value of centerY.


Fired when the baseline property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, SiblingReferenceValue | 'auto' | true>

Property Type Description
value SiblingReferenceValue
| 'auto'
| true
The new value of baseline.


Fired when the elevation property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, number>

Property Type Description
value number The new value of elevation.


Fired when the cornerRadius property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, number>

Property Type Description
value number The new value of cornerRadius.


Fired when the bounds property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, Bounds>

Property Type Description
value Bounds The new value of bounds.


Fired when the background property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, LinearGradientValue | ColorValue | ImageValue>

Property Type Description
value LinearGradientValue
| ColorValue
| ImageValue
The new value of background.


Fired when the opacity property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, number>

Property Type Description
value number The new value of opacity.


Fired when the transform property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, Transformation>

Property Type Description
value Transformation The new value of transform.


Fired when the highlightOnTouch property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<Widget, boolean>

Property Type Description
value boolean The new value of highlightOnTouch.