
:point_right: Make sure to first read the introduction to data binding.

Apply this decorators to a property of the type Listeners (or ChangeListeners) to define a custom event for this class without explicitly creating a Listeners instance. The instance will instead be created lazily. The property becomes effectively read-only, but does not have to be marked with readonly (though it can be). The name of the property must start with ‘on’, e.g. 'onMyEvent'. The decorator can be used in abstract classes, but not interfaces. However, interfaces can define a property that is then implemented with @event.

Listeners is generic with one type parameter EventData that defines the event object interface. It needs at least a target property whose type should must match the type of the decorated class. The type and timeStamp event properties are added implicitly:

class SomeClass extends SomeOtherClass {
  @event public onMyEvent: Listeners<{target: SomeClass}>; // issues plain EventObject instances
  @event public onFoo: Listeners<{<target: SomeClass, foo: string}>; // EventObject with additional event data

ChangeListeners is generic with two parameter. The first is Target and must match the decorated class. The second is Property and must be the name (a string) of the property that changes:

class SomeClass extends SomeOtherClass {
  @event public onSelectionChanged: ChangeListeners<SomeClass, 'selection'>;
  @property public selection: number; // will (due to the naming) fire 'selectionChanged'