Class “NavigationView”

Object > NativeObject > Widget > Composite > NavigationView

A widget that displays a stack of pages with a toolbar that allows to navigate back. The toolbar also displays the current page’s title and the highest priority actions that are added to the NavigationView. Only children of type Page, Action and SearchAction are supported. Since the NavigationView does not compute its own size, the width and height must be defined by the respective layout properties (e.g. either width or left and right must be specified).

NavigationView on Android
NavigationView on iOS
Type: NavigationView<PageType, ActionType>
extends Composite<PageType | ActionType>
Generics: PageType: The common widget class of the pages this NavigationView can contain. Must be a subclass of Page and defaults to Page.
ActionType: The common widget class of the actions this NavigationView can contain. Must be a subclass of Action and defaults to Action.
Constructor: public
Singleton: No
Namespace: tabris
Direct subclasses: None
JSX Support: Element: <NavigationView/>
Parent Elements: <Canvas/>, <Cell/>, <Composite/>, <Page/>, <RefreshComposite/>, <Row/>, <ScrollView/>, <Stack/>, <Tab/>
Child Elements: <Page/>, <Action/>, <SearchAction/>



import {NavigationView, Page, contentView} from 'tabris';

new NavigationView({layoutData: 'stretch'})
  .append(new Page({title: 'Albums'}))

See also:

JSX Creating a simple NavigationView with pages
JSX Demonstrating a NavigationView with various interactive properties
JS Using multiple NavigationViews in TabFolder Tabs
JSX navigationview-action-placement.jsx
JSX navigationview-action.jsx
JSX navigationview-searchaction.jsx


new NavigationView(properties?)

Parameter Type Description
properties Properties<NavigationView> Sets all key-value pairs in the properties object as widget properties. Optional.



Returns the ordered list of pages on the page stack, with the bottommost page as the first and the topmost page as the last element. Same as children(), but only returns children that are of type Page.

Parameter Type Description
selector Selector A selector expression or a predicate function to filter the results. Optional.

Returns: WidgetCollection



The color used for action icons.

Type: ColorValue
Settable: Yes
Change Event: actionColorChanged



The color used for action texts. Only applied on Android, IOS uses the actionColor to colorize the action text.

Type: ColorValue
Settable: Yes
Change Event: actionTextColorChanged


Whether to display the so-called “Burger menu” to open the drawer.

Type: boolean
Default: false
Settable: Yes
Change Event: drawerActionVisibleChanged


Controls what animation to use when animating a page transition.

Type: 'default' | 'none'
Default: 'default'
Settable: Yes
Change Event: pageAnimationChanged


The text color used for page titles.

Type: ColorValue
Settable: Yes
Change Event: titleTextColorChanged


The background color of the toolbar.

Type: ColorValue
Settable: Yes
Change Event: toolbarColorChanged


The height of the toolbar. Is 0 if not visible.

Type: number
Settable: Yes
Change Event: toolbarHeightChanged


Whether the toolbar is visible.

Type: boolean
Default: true
Settable: Yes
Change Event: toolbarVisibleChanged

Change Events


Fired when the drawerActionVisible property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<NavigationView, boolean>

Property Type Description
value boolean The new value of drawerActionVisible.


Fired when the toolbarVisible property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<NavigationView, boolean>

Property Type Description
value boolean The new value of toolbarVisible.


Fired when the toolbarColor property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<NavigationView, ColorValue>

Property Type Description
value ColorValue The new value of toolbarColor.


Fired when the height of the toolbar changes, e.g. if it changes visibility.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<NavigationView, number>

Property Type Description
value number The new value of toolbarHeight.


Fired when the titleTextColor property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<NavigationView, ColorValue>

Property Type Description
value ColorValue The new value of titleTextColor.


Fired when the actionColor property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<NavigationView, ColorValue>

Property Type Description
value ColorValue The new value of actionColor.


Fired when the actionTextColor property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<NavigationView, ColorValue>

Property Type Description
value ColorValue The new value of actionTextColor.


Fired when the pageAnimation property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<NavigationView, string>

Property Type Description
value string The new value of pageAnimation.