Class “WebView”

Object > NativeObject > Widget > WebView

A widget that can display a web page. Since this widget requires a lot of resources it’s recommended to have no more than one instance at a time.

WebView on Android
WebView on iOS
Type: WebView extends Widget
Constructor: public
Singleton: No
Namespace: tabris
Direct subclasses: None
JSX Support: Element: <WebView/>
Parent Elements: <Canvas/>, <Cell/>, <Composite/>, <Page/>, <RefreshComposite/>, <Row/>, <ScrollView/>, <Stack/>, <Tab/>
Child Elements: Not Supported



import {WebView, contentView} from 'tabris';

new WebView({
  left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
  url: ''

See also:

JSX Creating a simple WebView
JS Creating browser-like navigation buttons in a WebView
JS Demonstrating web messaging in a WebView
Web Messaging on Wikipedia


new WebView(properties?)

Parameter Type Description
properties Properties<WebView> Sets all key-value pairs in the properties object as widget properties. Optional.



Navigate the WebView to the previous page if possible.

Returns: undefined


Navigate the WebView to the next page if possible.

Returns: undefined

postMessage(message, targetOrigin)

Posts a web message to the underlying window object of the WebView. The website in the WebView can register for the message in the following fashion: window.addEventListener('message', callbackFunction). For more information see Window.postMessage() API.

Parameter Type Description
message string The message to send. Supports only strings.
targetOrigin string The URL of the page that receives the message. The message is only sent if the current document URL has the same scheme, domain and path. Use * to send to any URL.

Returns: this



Whether there is a previous to navigated to via goBack().

Type: boolean
Settable: No
Change Event: canGoBackChanged


Whether there is a next page to navigate to via goForward().

Type: boolean
Settable: No
Change Event: canGoForwardChanged


A complete HTML document to display. Always returns the last set value. Note: htmlChanged event will not be fired on iOS when a page is using history.pushState() to navigate between pages.

Type: string
Settable: Yes
Change Event: htmlChanged


JavaScript code to be executed before page begins loading.

Type: string
Settable: By Constructor or JSX
Change Event: Not supported

This property can only be set via constructor or JSX. Once set, it cannot change anymore.


The URL of the web page to display. Relative URLs are resolved relative to ‘package.json’. Returns empty string when content from html property is displayed. Note: urlChanged event will not be fired on iOS when a page is using history.pushState() to navigate between pages.

Type: string
Settable: Yes
Change Event: urlChanged


Fired when the WebView is about to navigate to a new URL. Note: This event will not be fired on iOS when a page is using history.pushState() to navigate between pages.

EventObject Type: WebViewNavigateEvent<WebView>

Property Type Description
preventDefault Function Call to intercept the navigation. Not possible when the event is only an anchor navigation
url string The new URL the WebView is about to navigate to.


Fired when the url has been loaded. Note: This event will not be fired on iOS when a page is using history.pushState() to navigate between pages.

EventObject Type: EventObject<WebView>

This event has no additional parameter.



Fired when the WebView requests a download. The download event provides the properties url, mimeType, contentLength and contentDisposition. Supported only on Android.

EventObject Type: WebViewDownloadEvent<WebView>

Property Type Description
contentDisposition string Indicates whether the download is expected to be displayed inline or to be downloaded as an attachment.
contentLength number The size of the downloaded entity body.
mimeType string The mime type of the resource to be downloaded.
url string The URL of the resource to be downloaded.


Fired when a web message has been sent via window.parent.postMessage(message, targetOrigin) from inside the WebView.

EventObject Type: WebViewMessageEvent<WebView>

Property Type Description
data string The sent message.

Change Events


Fired when the url property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<WebView, string>

Property Type Description
value string The new value of url.


Fired when the html property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<WebView, string>

Property Type Description
value string The new value of html.


Fired when the canGoForward property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<WebView, boolean>

Property Type Description
value boolean The new value of canGoForward.


Fired when the canGoBack property has changed.

EventObject Type: PropertyChangedEvent<WebView, boolean>

Property Type Description
value boolean The new value of canGoBack.